Blue Glitter Eyeshadow Makeup
Hello Glam Dolls,
I'm actually living for this blue glitter look.
I think its perfect for going out to the club or when you are feeling a little extra.
Hope you guys enjoyed this look.
Thank You.
@covergirl True Blend Matte Made Foundation #covergirlmade #covergirl
Lashes @kokolashes Elle #kokolashes
Contour @anastasiabeverlyhills Cream & Powder #anastasiabeverlyhills
Lips @jeffreestarcosmetics Mannequin Liquid Lipstick Topped W/ @kyliecosmeticsDamn Gina Gloss #kyliecosmetics#jeffreestarcosmetics
@artistcouture Coco Bling #glowgetter#artistcouture
@micacosmetics Glitter Pigment